More for the Trolling Archive

I usually take criticism and negative comments pretty well, but recently the trolls have just been going through the motions.  In response to my previous post about we-firsters, I received the following comment:

Were you homeschooled by Michele Bachmann or something?

"Government is the great fiction through which everyone endeavors to live at the expense of everyone else."

Your own spell-check calls out "endeavors". That great private Enterprise (geddit) spaceship Endeavour spelt it right.

Literacy aside, let's look at this post. The first sentence categorises a group of people according to a new collective noun I had not heard of until today: "Me-firsters". Your second sentence then affirms that hating these people is ok. that's as far as I need to go with a blog like this.

What fun?! Let's begin.

First, the reader makes the false assumption that I am a conservative in an ad hominem attack associating me with Michele Bachmann.  Whether or not I was homeschooled and by whom is irrelevant.  But for the record and for the reader's edification, I attended public high school where I was the valedictorian.  I then got a BS in Mechanical Engineering with a GPA of 4.0 and an MS in Bioengineering, again with a 4.0. 

Second, it turns out after 5 seconds of Googling that you can spell endeavor (endeavour) two different ways (thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing that out).  In fact, my spell checker calls out the latter spelling not the former as incorrect.  And just how in the hell would you know what my spell check calls out (clearly you do not)?  You have no clue in what platform I write my posts.  Further, the space shuttle Endeavour was a government project, not a product of private enterprise. 

Third, yes, I did indeed attempt to create a couple of new nouns, "me-firster" and "we-firster".  However, a little bit more Googling indicates that I was not the first to think of this, so the fact that you haven't heard of the noun before is, besides being irrelevant, your own fault.  Besides, the word has fairly obvious meaning and is briefly defined anyway.  I said it was ok to revile me-firsters, not hate them, and so what if I did?  I cannot follow the logic of this final "argument."

Finally, I agree with you, this is as far as you need to go with this blog.  I will carry on without you.  

Now for troll #2 (lawrensj) from reddit:
this is beyond stupid. its an article that says "we should stop listening to people who start sentences with we". i guess it depends on what your definition of IS, is.
(one might argue the author is saying "you should stop listening to people who start sentences with we" imply the author already does this...but i think its pretty much the same)
late edit: noticed this is /r/liber. doesn't the constitution start off with <paraphrase> "we should follow these laws to create a more perfect union"?

First, the supposed quotes do not appear anywhere in my writing.  They do not even appropriately paraphrase any of the points I made in the post.  Talk about a red herring!  Then the whole Bill Clinton definition-of-is business is entirely irrelevant.  But while we're on the subject, I can't believe everyone let's him get by on this.  Of course everything in one's consciousness is dependent on the meaning of "is" or "to be", but the question itself implies an understanding of the meaning of the word "is".  Therefore, if the questioner does not have a strict meaning for "is" the question is nonsense, and if they do, it is a clear evasion.

Finally on the whole constitution business, where could one get the impression that I am making a constitutional argument?  Just because it was posted in the libertarian subreddit?  Not all libertarians are advocates of the constitution or even (gasp) government itself.

If you are going to start your trolling with the non-punctuated sentence, "this is beyond stupid", try not too look like an idiot.  The hypocrisy is just too much fun.  


  1. Hi there. I had a link saved from a while back and I see you posted a follow-up featuring one of my comments. As much as I said I'd leave you alone, and you say you want that, I might just respond to some of your points.

    Yeah... the "Home-schooled / Bachmann" thing. Definitely ad-homenim and not a friendly way to open a comment. My apologies.

    Pointing out spelling inconsistencies is also a pretty trivial thing. Especially when the original quote is from a Frenchman.


    "In fact, my spell checker calls out the latter spelling not the former as incorrect. And just how in the hell would you know what my spell check calls out (clearly you do not)?"

    What was saying is that the comment box I'm typing into right now prefers "endeavour" over "endeavor" which it underlines. At least it does for me. I can screen-cap if you want.

    We live in a big world and maybe it realises I'm in UK and you are in USA so it behaves differently for each of us. Try it yourself and report back please.

    "Further, the space shuttle Endeavour was a government project, not a product of private enterprise."

    I had been implying that a quite incredible achievement - the Shuttle Program - something no private enterprise has come anywhere close to repeating was, perhaps, to get some credit. Your whole blog is anti-government (as much as I've read. I think the Bastiat quote says it all) so I can understand the reaction:

    Citizen: "Hey, WE put a man on the moon!"
    Bastiat: "Pfft, 'we first' yeah, you taker!"

    "Revile vs Hate"

    Ok, using my 5 seconds of Google I find 'revile' doesn't specifically mean to 'hate', just to:

    "Criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting manner."

    Be angry, abusive and insulting. Presumably out of pure love, because these people just need to wake up to themselves, right? Not hate.

    But wait...

    "I said it was ok to revile me-firsters, not hate them, and so what if I did?"

    So you just said you DO hate them or did I misread that?

    Libertarian is almost the exact opposite of Anonymous. Talks a lot but can't organize anything because that takes cooperation or financial coercion. Anonymous on the other hand requires no recompense, yet has taken down Visa, Stratfor and possibly Rove.

  2. It in fact does behave differently for us as "endeavour" is underlined and "endeavor" is not for me. I do agree that there have been many very remarkable achievements made in the various government-run space programs, and those very intelligent, very motivated individuals involved deserve all the credit in the world. People acting on behalf of governments can indeed accomplish great things; I would be foolish to deny that. What I try to get the reader to think about is not just how the government is bad or inept, but rather whether it is moral, necessary and efficient for governments to engage in certain activities. It is difficult to say whether putting a man on the moon is a greater accomplishment than saving billions of people from starvation. Surely governments don't deserve all of the credit.

    As to the semantics of "revile" and "hate", despite the strict definitions given online let's agree that their meanings in common usage are relatively nebulous. Suffice it to say that I am ok with criticizing and otherwise judging these people harshly but not to the point of any physical or psychological harm. Call it reviling, call it hating, call it scolding, we have already spent too much time debating it.

    1. Thanks for that. Appreciated.

      Frankly, I don't often consider the ideas of Government being "moral", "necessary" or "efficient".

      Well, efficient maybe, I think about that. It can definitely be inefficient. But so can monopolies.

      But "moral" or "necessary"? The first I usually ignore out of hand: "morals" is not something I think of much. "Greatest good to the greatest many" and that sort of ingrained thinking means I assume that a Government, properly motivated and run, SHOULD be moral. Whether it is, is a separate matter.

      As for "necessary"... My view, as a citizen of two heavily-governed countries (UK, AUS), has been: "would I rather live here or Somalia, Afganistan...?" places where Government pretty much doesn't exist.

      Despite never having been to Somalia or Afganistan I get the feeling I'd prefer UK/AUS.

      I might just have to read a little more of this blog... :)

    2. It was my pleasure. I rather enjoy the challenging interaction and will gladly converse with anyone who will keep an open mind. I agree that monopolies can be inefficient, however it is my position that a monopoly could scarcely be maintained in the absence of government assistance (a bold statement beyond our scope here).
      As good as it sounds on the surface, the utilitarian "greatest good for the greatest number" implies that the majority may suppress (rape, pillage, murder, enslave etc.) the minority if it brings about a "greater good" for their greater numbers. I dismiss this out of hand and ask rather whether anyone has the right to initiate force against others and whether membership within a group gives one rights not available to those outside the group. The rest follows from answering those questions. If the immorality of something has been established, its perceived necessity is rendered moot. Extreme illustrative example: "Slavery is immoral, but dammit, these pyramids aren't going to build themselves."

      Thanks for stopping by; I hope to preach to you again soon.


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